Student Opportunities

Student Opportunities

The UC Natural Reserve System provides many opportunities for student support.

How You Can Help

Gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations are critical to supporting the mission of the UCSB Natural Reserve System and working in partnership with funding from the UC. This public-private partnership plays a significant role not only in maintaining the UCSB NRS, but also in building the collaborative community at each UCSB Reserve. Gifts in any amount are impactful and go directly to education, research, public outreach, and operations at the UCSB Reserves.

Thank you for another successful Fall Seminar Series! Please check back in early Fall 2024 for our next series.

The UCSB Natural Reserve System Fall Seminar Series showcases the latest programs and research across UC Santa Barbara’s seven extraordinary reserves. Each weekly seminar focuses on a particular Reserve, and features a paired presentation with the Reserve’s Director – sharing highlights and updates from the Reserve – and an expert scientist, artist, or educator who focuses their research or teaching at that Reserve.

Click on the photo below to watch past Seminar Series videos.
